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Lehigh Carbon Community College

学杂费由校董会制定. 所列学杂费如有更改,恕不另行通知.

学费和某些费用是基于学区和宾夕法尼亚州居住. 该学院由利哈伊县的9个学区和碳县5个学区中的4个学区赞助:阿伦敦, Catasauqua, East Penn, Northern Lehigh, Northwestern Lehigh, Parkland, Salisbury, Southern Lehigh, Whitehall-Coplay, Jim Thorpe, Lehighton, Palmerton, and Panther Valley.

作为入学过程的一部分,学生需要向学院提供居住信息. 每个学区负责决定学生是否是该学区的居民,以及是否资助他们的居民学费. 各赞助学区的居住要求各不相同. 学生应熟悉所在学区的居住要求. 如果被学区拒绝了, 然后学生需要联系学区来解决居住权问题. 学期结束后,学费不予调整.

有关居住要求的信息, 联系商务办公室,电话:610-799-1592或电子邮件 学区联系人将提供居住赞助.

预赞助:在学期开始前90天,已经建立了英联邦居住权并居住在其中一个赞助地区的学生, 但不符合该地区的所有其他居住要求, 在向LCCC商务办公室提供文件后,将获得赞助费率.

Tuition and Basic Fees

学杂费的收费方式如下:注册12至18学分的学生将按整体费率收取学杂费. 少于12学分和多于18学分的注册将按每学分收费.

Summer 2024 Sponsoring district of LCCC Other PA resident Out-of-state or foreign student Residents of Schuylkill County
Full-time Tuition
(12-18 credits per semester)
$1,875.00 $3,750.00 $5,625.00 $2,812.50
Capital Outlay fee $135.00 $270.00 $135.00
Comprehensive fee $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
Technology fee $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
Total Full-Time Tuition and Fees $2,595.00 $4,605.00 $6,615.00 $3,667.50


Summer 2024 Sponsoring district of LCCC Other PA resident Out-of-state or foreign student Residents of Schuylkill County
Part-time Tuition
$135 per credit $270 per credit $405 per credit $202.50 per credit
Capital Outlay fee $9.00 per credit $18.00 per credit $9.00 per credit
Comprehensive fee $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit
Technology fee $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit
Total Tuition and Fees per Credit Hour $183.00 per credit $327.00 per credit $471.00 per credit $259.50 per credit


Fall 2024 Sponsoring district of LCCC Other PA resident Out-of-state or foreign student Residents of Schuylkill County
Full-time Tuition
(12-18 credits per semester)
$1,875.00 $3,750.00 $5,625.00 $2,812.50
Capital Outlay fee $135.00 $270.00 $135.00
Comprehensive fee $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
Technology fee $405.00 $405.00 $405.00 $405.00
Total Full-Time Tuition and Fees $2,640.00 $4,650.00 $6,660.00 $3,712.50
LCCC Textbook+ fee (Per Credit) $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit


Fall 2024 Sponsoring district of LCCC Other PA resident Out-of-state or foreign student Residents of Schuylkill County
Part-time Tuition
$135 per credit $270 per credit $405 per credit $202.50 per credit
Capital Outlay fee $9.00 per credit $18.00 per credit $9.00 per credit
Comprehensive fee $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit $24.00 per credit
Technology fee $27.00 per credit $27.00 per credit $27.00 per credit $27.00 per credit
Total Tuition and Fees per Credit Hour $186.00 per credit $330.00 per credit $474.00 per credit $262.50 per credit
LCCC Textbook+ fee (Per Credit) $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit $30.00 per credit


LCCC Textbooks+ 是LCCC书店的一个新项目来包装你们的课本吗, 电子教材和必修课程资料.

所有学生都自动被收录在LCCC教科书+中. 学生只能在指定的退出期限内选择退出LCCC教科书+

学生可以选择退出本学期每门课程的所有课程资料和用品. 学生将负责购买所有课程的书籍和用品.

To opt out, action must be taken:

Contact the campus store at 有关如何选择退出的信息,或者选择退出是否会在经济上对您有利.

Other Fees (Non-Refundable) Cost
Bad Check Fee    $30
Cougar Payment Plan Fee    $25/$35
Cougar Payment Plan Late Fee    $25
ID Replacement Fee    $5
Late Registration Fee    $5
Prior Learning Assessment Fee    $125
Proctored Test Fee    Varies

Please note, 额外的课程费用在不同的金额可能适用于艺术, Aviation, Nursing, and other courses.

Please refer to the 学分目录获取额外课程费用的完整列表. Course fees 是否已建立以收回与特定课程(例如耗材)直接相关的成本, software, art materials, and testing materials.

The Comprehensive Fee is charged to fund access to tutoring, counseling, career counseling, food pantry, clubs and organizations, library resources, and the fitness center.

The Technology Fee supports the learning management system, licenses, help desk, IT support and the infrastructure, and the technology in the library.

The Capital Outlay Fee 是否对非利哈伊县或碳县居民的学生进行评估,以支持设施和延期维护的成本.


  • 退伍军人/军人将只收取赞助费用.
  • Lehigh Carbon Community College, 是否会将收到的未获得的国防部学费援助资金按比例返还到至少收到资金期间的60%. 基金在注册期间按比例赚取, 未赚的钱会根据学生休学的时间返还.
  • As required by PA Act 11 of 2015, Veterans and Military Personnel, their spouses, and/or dependent children, 可能有资格获得以下学费减免:
    • Veterans, their spouses, and/or dependent children, 居住在PA联邦的学生将获得相当于当地赞助率的学费. For purposes of this policy, 退伍军人学生被定义为:(a)在美国武装部队服役的个人, 包括预备役部队和国民警卫队, and was discharged/released from service under conditions other than dishonorable;  or one who is an active-duty service member; and (b) Resides in Pennsylvania while enrolled at Lehigh Carbon Community College.
    • Active military personnel, their spouses, and/or dependent children, 谁在网上(远程)注册,谁居住在英联邦以外, 是否会获得相当于当地赞助率的学费.
    • 任何根据第1606章获得退伍军人教育福利的个人, 1607, 30, 31, and 33, 居住在英联邦以外的人, 是否会获得相当于当地赞助率的学费.
    • 在PA联邦国防部设施工作的文职人员, their spouses, and/or dependent children, 是否会获得相当于当地赞助率的学费.
  • As outlined above, 有资格的人必须提供服务证明, 其中可能包括以下其中一项:DD214, current military ID, and/or VA Certificate of Eligibility, Documentation must be submitted here.

Dual Enrollment/Early College Tuition


  • 由赞助讲师讲授的课程-每学分30美元
  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分70美元


  • 由非赞助商讲师讲授的课程-每学分96美元
  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分111美元


  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分70美元

Senior Citizen Tuition Policy

居住在大学赞助学区的60岁以上的学生有资格在课程开始当天的可用空间基础上免费学习学分和非学分课程. 老年学生将支付所有课程费用或费用,如实验室费用和自费课程费用,由学院支付,如第三方提供的服务, including, but not limited to, 卡车驾驶证由大四学生自费. 有资格享受退伍军人教育福利的老年人可以选择使用他们的优先课程安排特权,在课程开始之前注册,以保证他们的座位以赞助商的价格. If they choose to do so, 学生负责与课程相关的所有学杂费.

College Tuition Refund Policy

退课的学生将根据相应的学时重新计算学费, 哪些是根据学期中退学申请过程完成的时间来计算的. 课程完成20%后,将不予退款. 正式退学日期为注册/学生记录办公室收到所有正确填写的表格之日.


Tuition Financial Obligation

学费以学时为基础. 退款期限为每节课的1/15. 以下信息详细说明了根据退课发生的退款期限,学生的经济义务. 有关实际退款日期范围,请按以下连结:

在第一次退款之前和期间- 0%学时责任(不欠学费)

  • 在第二次退课期内- 50%学分的责任(必须支付50%的学费)
  • 在第三个退课期限内- 75%学时责任(必须支付75%的学费)
  • 第三周常规课程后- 100%学分责任(必须支付所有学费)
  • 学期开始后的学费负担金额和日期(2024年春季学期)
    • [0% 1/22-1/28/24] [50% 1/29-2/4/24] [75% 2/5-2/11/24]
  • 学期开始后的学费负担金额和日期(2024年夏季学期)
    • [0% 5/20-5/21][50% 5/22-5/24][75% 5/25-5/26] -第5学期的一部分-5周
  • 学期开始后的学费负担金额和日期(2024年学期夏季二)
    • [0% 7/8-7/9][50% 7/10-7/12][75% 7/13-7/14]
  • 学期开始后的学费负债金额和日期(2024年秋季学期)
    • [0% 8/26-9/3] [50% 9/4-9/10] [75% 9/11-9/17]



  • 在学期第一周之前和期间,学费100%退还.
  • 在课程的第一周内提交全部退学的学生将被收取100美元的服务费.
  • 在第二周的课程中,学生需支付50%的费用.
  • 在第三周的课程中,学生需要支付75%的费用.
  • 在第三周后退课的学生将不退还学费.


修读12学分以下或18学分以上的学生,学费可退还, based on the college’s refund policies.

在这种情况下,学院必须取消一个课程,因为没有足够的学生, all tuition and fees are refunded.

Collection Process

利哈伊碳社区学院采用标准的收集流程. 拖欠帐户将被发送给第三方,第三方将收取收款. 托收费用按适用法律允许的最高金额计算,不超过33英镑.3% of the amount outstanding. 拖欠帐户可以报告给一个或多个国家信用局.


Financial Responsibility Agreement

协议承认学生的财务责任和学院的财务政策的理解. 学生有责任确保付款直接提交到他们的账户, by financial aid, or by a third party.

Tuition Due Dates

  • 夏季二,2024年学期的学费将于2024年6月17日到期
  • 2024年秋季学期的学费将于2024年8月1日到期
  • 2024年冬季学期学费截止日期为2024年11月19日
  • 除非与学区有特别安排,否则双注册学费应在注册时支付

对于学期第一周以外的课程,具体的退款期限, 或者不是整个学期的课程, 联系注册/学生记录办公室,电话:610 - 799-1171. 退修课程的退款将在退款期结束后发放.